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Student project in the CESI, Chateauroux, France
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One of the oldest open-source games still maintained out there, it is also one in which games start around 4000BC, this old-timer has long been a staple of Linux distros, I'm talking about... Freeciv !


Cheap Civ knockoff ?

Now, of course, Freeciv is based on Sid Meier's Civilization series, especially CIV I, II and III. In fact, it was created by students who wanted to add intercontinental online multiplayer to CIV I (which means playing in different time zones, and thus Freeciv has a strange asynchronous turn management system which is a big change from Sid Meier's Civ games.)

The italian peninsula in Freeciv europe scenario

Northern Italy in the Europe giant map for Freeciv.

But nevertheless, after around 30 years of uninterrupted development and updates, Freeciv now stands as a separate and distinct 4X1 game. Its main ruleset, the civ2civ3 rules, blends in elements from older games of the Civilization series, but also from new ones in a lesser extent, which gives the game a unique flavor and play style.

If you didn't appreciate the switch, starting with Civ V, from world expansion to smaller empires and micro management, you might find satisfaction in Freeciv, which doesn't have so strong limits to empire expansion. In fact, you can build huge and sprawling civilizations straight from the start of the game. This is definitely more in tune with the older Civ games (before Civ V).

It is also possible to use "largepox" strategies, focusing only on a few cities and building smaller, but better optimized empires. The game is overall freer than new iterations of Sid Meier's games. 

Isometric 3D and submenu of the submenu.

Being a project from the 90s, Freeciv kept the isometric 3D aesthetic of its time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... but objectively, the game's style offer some beautiful views, especially contrasts between ocean and grassland tiles, and the units are detailed. If you're used to pixel art and retro games, it shouldn't be a problem.

A civiliopedia for Freeciv

There is even a basic Civilopedia in the game to help you.

The unsettling part might be the abundance of menus and submenus ! Especially if you use the GTK version of the game, you will see that the interface is mostly based on menus and text, with some keyboards shortcuts to remember (like M to build a mine, I to irrigate, etc).

Now to counter this, other intefaces are available for the game, such as the SDL or QT version. Personally, I found the the GTK, depsite its heavy menu and text usage, was the easiest to use once you get the hang of it, and that's what we're gonna talk about know.

Navigating through submenus in Freeciv GTK

Hell on the eastern front, submenus in the Northwest.

Acquired taste.

Just like whyskey, maté or black coffee, (or anchovies) Freeciv is an acquired taste.

It takes some time to get used to the game and its concept, even if you come from the Civlization series (except maybe Civ II, but I cannot talk about it), because the game plays differently, and can be very challenging.

The AI is surprisingly good. If your compare it to the newer Civilization games, it can be more aggressive and definitely competitive. It used to be a bit under developed, since this game was meant for multiplayer first, but nowadays after many updates, the solo experience does hold up to expectations.

Freeciv insulting you

Trying to have fun and being called mediocre, thank you Freeciv.

Good times.

Don't let this review scare you off, Freeciv is first of all a fun game, and enjoyable also.

Once you learn the basic gameplay concepts, like with the Freeciv wiki or the forum, it really is a pleasure to develop your civilization through the ages.

A really refreshing perspective when you come from CIV VI, you can expand nearly as much as you want, and don't need to worry so much about city placement and building districts, it is a Civ game from simpler times.

Crumbling empire in Freeciv

The mighty Italian empire comes to its end by the hand of Moctezuma, oh the humanity !

Also refreshing and exciting, you can build giant empires even in early phases of the game ! That's a good point for realism, if you think about it, Alexander the Great had hundreds of cities around 330 BC, and giant armies as well.

It is also possible to play peacefully and focus on technology or trade, overall the game feels more free than CIV VI for example, in part because civilizations don't have any difference in gameplay like special units or buildings, and no leader traits which force you to follow a specific strategy.

Still expanding.

What is impressive about Freeciv is that even after 30 years of development, the game is still well alive and slowly evolving. New scenarios are still being built, maps created, and rulesets laid out. It is a well-alive project that has a bright future ahead and countless hours of game awaiting for you !

Scenario selection screen of Freeciv

Many scenarios are downloadable for Freeciv ! The maps are incredible !

Download Freeciv GTK version !

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